Here's a marrige Meter, Check your marrige by scaling your satistfaction.
On a scale of 1 – 10 rate your satisfaction with your marriage in the areas of:
1. Shared Values _____
2. Commitment to each other _____
3. Communication Skills _____
4. Conflict Resolution Skills _____
5. Intimacy/Sexuality _____
6. Spirituality/Faith _____
7. Money Management _____
8. Appreciation/Affection _____
9. Lifestyle _____
10. Recreation _____
11. Decision Making _____
12. Parenthood _____
13. Household chores / gender differences _____
14. Careers _____
15. Balancing Time_____
TOTAL: _____
Since this isn’t a test, but rather a map for you to use for further discussion, your total is not based on 100%. If your self-ratings on a specific topic are:
8-10: You are quite happy with this aspect of your marriage. This could be because you are generally an optimistic person and easy going, or you’ve been very intentional about working on your marriage.
4-7: You are sliding along in your marriage, perhaps not paying much attention to it or avoiding areas of conflict. It’s also possible that you have high expectations and are not an easy grader.
1-3: You are pretty dissatisfied with this aspect of your marriage. Check out the other areas of this Blog that address this topic.
Another way of assessing whether you need to pay more attention to certain areas of your marriage is by comparing answers with your spouse. If your ratings on any given topic differ by more than three points, you’ll want to discuss why.
Finally, if both you and your spouse have total scores of:
100 + Give yourself an A – but don’t get proud or complacent.
75-99 Give yourself a B – you’re in good shape and can pinpoint those areas you’ll want to discuss further.
50-74 Give yourself a C – You may have much to discuss or one of you may be more dissatisfied than the other. Check it out.
15-49 Looks like trouble. The fact that you are visiting this blog and have filled out this self-assessment, however, is a good sign. You haven’t given up; you want to make your marriage better. Now get to work on it. See a counselor or attend a program for perfect wedding life
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